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Isio insights: The benefits sweet shop

This second paper from Isio explores which benefits are most impactful in attracting and retaining employees

Isio’s report into maximising value from employee benefits challenges the assumption that all employees want and would be motivated by the traditional benefits package.

Key findings include:

  • Individual employee benefits do act as effective attraction and retention tools.
  • Workplace benefits could do more in retaining staff if they look beyond the traditional reward package. This means providing options that are: more inclusive, and more extensive, with wider wellbeing support.
  • The intention should be to spend ‘better’ on benefits, not necessarily more.

Isio’s research reveals eye-opening insight into the UK workforce’s attitudes towards work, finances, moving jobs and employee benefits. It aims to help employers, particularly senior HR leaders, understand how their organisations can maximise value from their benefits packages and even harness the benefit package to address staff turnover challenges.

In conjunction with YouGov, Isio surveyed 7,674 private sector employees in June 2023 on a range of issues surrounding employee benefits and personal finance concerns. Responses for don’t know or prefer not to say answers have been removed, unless explicitly shown.

In partnership with Isio

A forward-looking approach to employee benefits, creating value for today and tomorrow. Helping you and your employees get the most from their benefits.

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