05 Dec 2024

Talk Money Week special - Scottish Widows Workplace Savings Podcast

Financial Wellness – a Talk Money Week special - Scottish Widows Workplace Savings Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

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In this podcast, Robert Cochran is joined by two Scottish Widows colleagues, Rachel Proudfoot and Chris Smart, as they examine the world beyond workplace pensions.

In this episode, they discuss financial wellness, financial resilience, and some of the ways that young people, vulnerable customers, and policyholders alike can manage their finances.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Scottish Widows

Scottish Widows is a life, pensions and investment company.

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Webinar: Create a pension strategy to deliver value for your workforce

Balancing costs and responsibilities to achieve retirement adequacy

Wed 5 March | 10.00 - 11.00 (GMT)

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