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26 Aug 2022
by Elizabeth Howlett

Top 10 stories from this week: Menopause needs a joined-up approach

A study reported in People Management found that 65% of women do not feel comfortable discussing their menopause symptoms with their manager.

Top 10 stories from this week: Menopause needs a joined-up approach


The research suggests that this isn’t just personal choice or discomfort around discussing the menopause itself, but could also be related to wider performance worries.

It found that menopause symptoms meant that a quarter of people had to work late to make up lost hours, while 22% admitted to making mistakes or missing deadlines as a result of their symptoms.

The longer menopausal women suffer in silence, the greater the impact will be on their mental, physical and social wellbeing – which will also affect colleagues, partners and family members.

It’s a clear sign that the effects of the menopause reach beyond day-to-day wellbeing and need a joined-up approach between HR and benefits, including policies and line manager training alongside employee benefits and signposting to help.  

For more reward and employee benefits news you might have missed this week, read our top 10 snippets below.

Two in three UK employees feel uncomfortable discussing menopause with their boss, study shows

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People Management But employers urged to keep listening to staff as survey highlights that workers value managers who communicate. Read more

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CEO pay soars, but female execs lose out
HR Magazine The median pay for FTSE 100 CEOs in 2021 was £3 million, 109 times more than the pay of an average full-time worker in the UK. Read more

Demand for mental health support continuing to surge

Personnel Today The fallout from the pandemic has continued to fuel demand for mental health support, including counselling, a survey has found. Read more

Financial priorities shift amid cost-of-living crisis 

Corporate Advisor Financial priorities shift with nearly 41 per cent prioritising meeting the demands of the cost of living crisis while 31 per cent will be “just getting by”, according to Aegon. Read more

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Corporate Advisor Young people may lose up to £60,000 of their pension savings if a “temporary” 2 per cent drop in contributions owing to the cost of living issue becomes permanent . Read more


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