19 Jun 2017
by Liz Morrell

Video tutorial: An Asian perspective on today's UK reward

In a five-minute session at the recent REBA Reward Leaders' Forum Marcus Underhill, director of engagement and insights for Staffcare, revealed his take on what the UK can learn from the Asian market.

Watch the Staffcare session 'An Asian perspective on today's UK reward' in full.

Speaking from his time as global head of pensions and benefits for a major bank based out of Singapore, he said that organisations had to be aware of some of the nuances of the Asian market – such as long hours, a team culture and a real thirst for progression. “People love the small increments that show they are recognised and are progressing through their career and life,” said Underhill.

Branding and communications budgets for projects, as well as flexible working, were almost non-existent in Asia he said. However the approach towards wellness – including health and mental health, was more advanced. “They are also better at execution and there’s a can do attitude,” said Underhill.

This video tutorial was filmed at the REBA Reward Leaders' Forum which took place on 27 April 2017.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Zest

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