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29 Aug 2024

Revolutionising employee benefits communication: Why AI is the missing link

Artificial intelligence could offer smarter ways to deliver employee benefit updates more efficiently.

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In today’s digital age, where personalisation is king, it’s surprising how many enterprise companies still use conventional methods for communicating employee benefits. 
Picture this: a benefits manager painstakingly crafting a generic email intended to resonate with thousands of employees, each with distinct needs and preferences. 

The result is a one-size-fits-none message that leaves employees disengaged and vital benefits underutilized. 
But what if there was a smarter way? One that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time? 

The future of benefits communication is here, and it’s not just automated; it’s hyper-personalised and highly effective. 
Here’s how AI is set to transform the way companies communicate with their employees, rendering traditional methods obsolete.

Benefits communication gone stale

We all know that employee benefits are a significant investment, yet the communication strategies many companies use to promote these benefits are outdated and ineffective. 

Most organisations rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, where a benefits manager drafts a single email about a specific offering – be it a new wellness programme or a change in health insurance – and blasts it to the entire workforce. 

It completely disregards the unique circumstances of individual employees.

The outcome is that employees receive irrelevant information, leading to disengagement and a lack of adoption of the benefits on offer. 

Worse, they might miss out on opportunities that could significantly enhance their well-being. 

For employers, this translates into underutilized benefits programmes and a poor return on investment. It’s even more depressing for benefits vendors.
Meanwhile, 42% of employees don’t know about or understand all their employee benefits. This lack of understanding ultimately dilutes the value of the entire benefits package. 

Enter AI

Artificial intelligence offers a 100x better solution to these communication woes. Unlike traditional methods, AI can sift through vast amounts of data to craft personalised messages tailored to each employee’s specific needs. 

It offers a level of personalisation that ensures that employees receive the right information, at the right time when it’s needed most.
AI can also maintain ongoing engagement by sending tailored reminders, updates, and new opportunities at a cadence that fits each individual. 

For example, an employee interested in financial wellness might receive bi-weekly tips and resources, while someone focused on health gets updates on fitness challenges or nutrition programmes once a month, or daily if relevant for that individual.
By automating the communication process, AI liberates HR teams from the time-consuming task of drafting and sending emails. 

How AI is pioneering the process

Consider a company with 10,000 employees. Traditionally, the benefits manager would send out a generic email about a new mental health support programme. 

The result is that only a fraction of the workforce engages with the programme – those who are interested in mental health at that particular moment, and those that are sufficiently motivated to act in that moment. The rest ignore the email and forget about it.
Not with AI. The AI system identifies which employees are most likely to benefit from the mental health programme based on factors like recent stress indicators, engagement with previous wellness programmes, and work performance data. 

It then sends personalised messages to these employees, highlighting how the programme can address their specific needs. 

Meanwhile, other employees receive communications about benefits that are more relevant to them, such as retirement planning or MSK support.
This hyper-personalised approach not only boosts engagement but also makes employees feel understood and valued. They’re getting a message that speaks directly to them. For the company, this means higher participation rates, better outcomes, and a more satisfied workforce.

Let’s address any concerns 

As with any new technology, there are concerns about AI in benefits communication. 

A common fear is that AI will replace human jobs. When, in reality, AI actually enhances human capabilities rather than replaces them. 

By automating routine tasks, AI frees up benefits managers to focus on strategic initiatives that genuinely impact employee engagement and satisfaction.

Another concern spoken about is data privacy. With AI analysing employee data to personalise communications, it’s crucial to implement strict privacy safeguards. 

Companies must ensure that all data is handled in compliance with regulations and that employees’ personal information is protected. 

Transparency is key – employees want to understand how their data is used and how it benefits them.

Thankfully, the future is here!    

The future of employee benefits communication is AI-driven. By adopting AI, companies can ensure that their employees not only understand the benefits available to them but also engage with them in ways that enhance their well-being and productivity. What more could you want? 

Want to see hyper-personalised benefits communication in action, with your own benefits package? Time to talk to Peppy - book a bespoke call here.  

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'The home of benefits. Expert, clinically-led health services in-app, plus an AI-powered employee benefits platform.

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