21 Nov 2024

The transformative role of digital and AI in shaping future benefits strategies panel discussion

Evan Harris, co-founder and CEO of Peppy, Peter Frampton, global head of talent, performance, and reward at Teneo Securities LLC, and Samantha Sergent, director, international benefits at Microsoft speak at REBA’s Future Forum 2024.

As AI continues to reshape industries, its transformative potential in employee benefits is starting to become clear.

Exploring how AI-powered platforms are revolutionising the way benefits are delivered, personalised and analysed, the panel discuss the opportunities and challenges AI brings to the future of employee benefits. 

If you are unable to see the video below, please follow the link here to view the session on Youtube.

The discussion includes:

  • How AI is reshaping the design, delivery and management of employee benefits
  • AI-powered personalisation and engagement
  • Data analytics for smarter decision-making: leveraging AI to track usage, forecast employee needs, predict trends and deliver cost savings
  • AI integration: what are the key challenges and opportunities for employers generally and the impact on reward and benefits teams specifically?
  • Balancing innovation with trust: addressing concerns around AI adoption, including privacy, fraud and trust issues from both employer and employee perspectives
  • The future vision and art of the possible: exploring the long-term potential of AI to influence company culture and performance

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Peppy

'The home of benefits. Expert, clinically-led health services in-app, plus an AI-powered employee benefits platform.

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Wed 5 March | 10.00 - 11.00 (GMT)

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