16 Sep 2020

Deborah Frost chief executive of Personal Group on measuring wellbeing strategy effectiveness

Deborah Frost, chief executive of Personal Group, discussed the challenge of measuring the effectiveness of an organisation's wellbeing strategy to ensure it is making a difference to the lives of employees at REBA's Employee Wellbeing Congress.

Frost explained that although it is easy to show what wellbeing initiatives an organisation has implemented, such as introducing a new app or offering a new service, the difficulty comes when you have to demonstrate to a board of directors that investing in these benefits has had a positive outcome and changed employees' lives.

She suggested that establishing a wellbeing dashboard provides companies with a 'demonstrable' tracking model that allows, over time, organisations to share success stories with key stakeholders. It will also help identify what is working and what needs improvement in the wellbeing programme to ensure that the offering is always helping employees and giving a good return on investment.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, Personal Group

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