06 Mar 2024

ABI's Yvonne Braun: Wider industry insights on the future of health and protection

Yvonne Braun, Association of British Insurers (ABI) director of long term savings policy delivers her spotlight talk on the latest industry insights and update on the government's occupational health and tax consultations as seen by the ABI

Braun spoke at REBA’s Future of Workplace Health & Protection Summit on 6 March 2024 on the challenge of long-term sickness in the UK and what future policy changes may look like.

She said: "We need to get to a place where we pivot the whole health system away from what is essentially a sickness system to what is a true health system that focusses on prevention and to do that, there needs to be much more recognition of the enormous power of the workplace to create healthier lives." 

Watch the video to find out more about prevention, getting back to work after illness quickly and why we need a more joined-up approach across our healthcare system. 


Webinar: The importance of better data for smarter benefits decision-making

Understand how to collect and develop better data to improve programme performance and get buy-in for future benefits change projects
2 April 2025 | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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