05 Nov 2020

Five ways your business can promote a healthy work-life balance

For your employees to be in an optimal place of motivation, productivity, wellbeing and overall engagement at work, it’s crucial that they have a healthy work-life balance. This means that the demands of your employees’ work and personal lives are in a state of equilibrium.


Striking that perfect balance can be very difficult, especially at the moment with more people working from home. For many people, the physical distinction between work and home no longer exists. The office is now in the kitchen or living room, and people are juggling childcare while also trying to maintain their productivity levels.

That’s why it’s even more crucial for businesses to promote a healthy work-life balance. To help you, here are our top five tips on how to make sure your business fosters a healthy work-life balance.

1. Be flexible

There are plenty of occasions where work can get in the way of people being able to deal with personal demands. For example, an employee might need to pick their child up from school in the middle of the day, or perhaps they need to get their car from the garage before it closes. Allowing your employees to work flexibly gives them the ability to fit in personal demands quite easily with minimal disruption.

If your business isn’t flexible, you could not only make it difficult for them to maintain a work-life balance, but also add a great deal of stress to your employees’ lives. So, whether you create a flexible working policy, embrace ‘flexitime’ or just make small changes to increase the flexibility of your working environment, try and be more accommodating so your employees’ can maintain a good balance.

2. Encourage regular short breaks

Whether your employees work in front of a screen or are on their feet all day, you should encourage them to take regular short breaks. This is so important for their mental and physical wellbeing. Having short intervals throughout the day to make a coffee, have a change of scenery or do something that helps them reset, will not only help your employees reduce their stress levels, but also boost their productivity.

This goes back to being flexible with your approach to work. Attitudes have changed and it’s now all about working effectively and being smart with our time, rather than putting in as many hours as possible and risking burnout. On top of that, having regular breaks will make it easier for your employees to keep up with personal demands. For example, they can quickly call a family member or book a doctor’s appointment.

3. Make sure managers are leading by example

You can’t expect your people to maintain a healthy work-life balance if your leadership team aren’t leading by example. Their actions set a precedent for the rest of your busines and should reflect how you want your workforce to operate. If your managers are working crazy long hours, not taking annual leave, replying to emails when they are on holiday and generally always putting work before their personal lives, other employees will take note and feel that they should do the same. So, make sure that your managers are good models for balance and demonstrate this on daily basis.

4. Give your employees access to support services

One thing you can do to help your employees manage their personal lives is to give them access to support services. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are really useful because they are designed to help people deal with challenges ranging from relationship troubles to financial concerns. From counselling and bereavement support, to legal and medical information, EAPs can provide a range of different services and resources.

Being able to access this service at any point gives employees the ability to manage various challenges, which means they’ll be in a better position to maintain a good work-life balance.

5. Help your employees maintain healthy lifestyles

Keeping up with the demands of work while juggling personal commitments can make it harder for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s often easier and more time efficient to make less healthy food choices, ditch exercise and sacrifice a good night’s sleep. But that won’t help your employees maintain a good work-life balance. They need to be looking after their health and wellbeing which includes eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.

You can help your employees do this by giving them access to a health and wellbeing hub. There are plenty of providers out there that deliver a range of fantastic tools that make it easier and more accessible for employees to look after their health.

Employee wellbeing is at the centre of maintaining a good work-life balance, and it’s your job as an employer to make sure you positively contribute to it through your working practices, environment and the support you deliver.

This article is provided by peoplevalue.

Supplied by REBA Associate Member, peoplevalue – The Employee Engagement Company

We are a leading provider of employee reward&recognition, benefits delivery&wellbeing solutions.

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